Rubidium Web Project

Scientific websites made for scientists...
by scientists

Rubidium Web Project is a science dissemination solution conceived, created  and tested by 3 scientists, who know exactly what your needs are for your scientific website.

Your research deserves quick and accessible dissemination. Our mission is to help you achieve this goal.

Send us your ANR, DFG, FNS, ERC… grant and we will transform it into a clean, elegant and easy to update website for your research group or your collaborative project.

Just as simple as that.

Rubidium Web Project

Scientific websites made for scientists...
by scientists

Rubidium Web Project is a science dissemination initiative founded and directed by 3 scientists, who know exactly what your needs are for your scientific website.

Your research deserves quick and accessible dissemination. Our mission is to help you to achieve this goal !

Send us your ANR, DFG, FNS, ERC… grant and we will transform it into a clean, elegant and easy to update website for your research group or your collaborative project.


Quentin Glorieux

Scientific advisor

PhD in Physics.

Associate Professor at Sorbonne University. H2020 & ANR evaluator

Carole Chambon


PhD in Material Science.

Expert in web-design and scientific communication.

Olivier Glorieux


PhD in Mathematics.

Python, Latex, PHP and WordPress guru.

why a scientific website ?

You just received a grant for your research project ?


We know how exciting it is to get the go to explore novel concepts or build new experiments to solve open questions. We are scientists too.

But in this journey, the sooner you increase your visibility for hiring new students and postdocs and sharing your progresses with your colleagues (and maybe with the funding agency as well)… and you don’t want to spend your research time in webdesign or code debugging, right ? You have others priorities. We know this dilemma too !

Stay focus on your research,
we do the rest !

That’s the reason why, at Rubidium Web, we have developed a content management system specially designed for scientists.
All disciplines: from biology and neuroscience to mathematics, physics and chemistry, and from social sciences to medicine.

We will create your personalized scientific website, while you can focus on what you are doing best: your research !

Meet our experts

Quentin Glorieux

PhD in Physics.
Associate Professor at Sorbonne University.
H2020 & ANR evaluator

Carole Chambon

PhD in Material Science.
Expert in web-design and scientific communication.

Olivier Glorieux

PhD in Mathematics.
Python, Latex, PHP and WordPress guru.

Quentin Glorieux

PhD in Physics.
Associate Professor at Sorbonne University.
H2020 & ANR evaluator

Carole Chambon

PhD in Material Science.
Expert in web-design and scientific communication.

Olivier Glorieux

PhD in Mathematics.
Python, Latex, PHP and WordPress guru.

oUr products

Individual grant website

You received a grant to start or consolidate your research group and you want a website to increase your visibility.

Great for ERC, ANR JCJC, CNRS Momentum, ATIP Avenir, Emergences, Emmy Noether and Heisenberg programmes...

Collaborative project

You are the coordinator of a medium to large scale collaborative research project and you want a website to disseminate your results and increase your social impact.

Great for ERC Synergy, FET-OPEN, ITN, ANR PRC or any collaborative projects.

Research group website

You are leading your own research group and you want to reach a broader audience, attract talented students and postdocs and present your research and latest publications in a simple and efficient way.

Our websites

We know what matters for scientists and what prospective students, funding agencies or search commitees are looking for on your site.

We have designed three different types of websites with very specific sections and templates to meet your needs and minimize your time investment.

Choose a style, send us your grant application and we will customize your site to your image.

Rubidium websites

We know what is important for scientists and what prospective students, funding agencies or search commitees are looking for on your site.

We have designed three different types of websites with specific sections and templates to meet your needs and minimize your time investment.

Choose a style, send us your grant application and we will customize your site to your image.

Individual grant website

You received a grant to start or consolidate your research group and you want a website to increase your visibility.

Great for ERC, ANR JCJC, CNRS Momentum, ATIP Avenir, Emergences, Emmy Noether and Heisenberg programmes...

Collaborative project

You are the coordinator of a medium to large scale collaborative research project and you want a website to disseminate your results and increase your social impact.

Great for ERC Synergy, FET-OPEN, ITN, ANR PRC or any collaborative projects.

Research group website

You are leading your own research group and you want to reach a broader audience, attract talented students and postdocs and present your research and latest publications in a simple and efficient way.

Our Plugins

Because we are both scientists and developers, we have created several plugins specially designed for scientific websites.

Import your publications directly using bibTex or ORCID, display your recent pre-prints automatically, update your team gallery in a few clicks or post your job offers with no effort.

Check out our plugins included in all our websites !

Team gallery

Team gallery

Use several layouts to display your team members, including social media, CV, short biography...

Job offers

Job offers

Manage your job offers instantly for postdocs and students on your website, with the possibility of a contact form.

Conference seminars

Conference & seminars

Coming soon: our plugin for easily creating conferences with participant registration or keeping track of the speakers in your weekly seminars.

Rubidium Plugins

Because we are both scientists and developers, we have created several plugins specially designed for scientific websites.

Import your publications directly using bibTex or ORCID, display your recent pre-prints automatically, update your team gallery in a few clicks or post your job offers with no effort.

Check out our plugins included in all our websites !



You can display all your publications by simply importing a bibtex file exported from Zotero or Google Scholar.



You can display all your publications by simply registering your ORCID identifier.

arXiv, biorXiv, PubMed Central


You can import your latest pre-prints directly from arXiv, medrXiv, biorXiv, PMC... Ask us for your favorite repository.

Team gallery

Team gallery

You can use several layouts to display your team members, including social media, CV, short biography...

Job offers

Job offers

It becomes easy to manage your job offers for postdocs and students directly on your website, with the possibility of a contact form.

Conference seminars

Conference & seminars

Coming soon: our plugin for easily creating conferences with participant registration or keeping track of the speakers in your weekly seminars.




1200 HT
  • Domain name and installation
  • Web hosting for the project duration
  • All available plugins
  • Video tutorials


2900 HT
  • All basic features
  • Personal website customization
  • Initial content management
  • Illustration image bank
  • Automatic backups for 1 year
  • Security maintenance for 1 year


4300 HT
  • All pro features
  • Intranet
  • Automatic backups offered
  • Security maintenance offered
  • Content creation
  • Editorial service
  • Photo session (if applicable)

support our Scientific community

We strongly believe that  science funding should go primarily into science.

We have  kept our services as low as possible.
As you can see, we propose our popular standard package at a price below the price of a single article processing charges (APC) in popular scientific journals : Nature Communications, Science, Small, EMBO, Molecular System Biology, Neuroscience Next…

Nevertheless, if the cost of our website is still too high, please contact us and we will find a custom solution for you !

Satisfied colleagues



Project Site

Graphic and project oriented


Group Site

Modern design with a lot of content for large groups or collaborations


Project Site

Graphic and fluid


Project / Group Site

Clean and elegant with traditional navigation

Da Vinci

Project Site

Versatile and fully customizable

De Witt

Project / Group Site

Graphic and simple for small to medium groups


Group Site

Design with original horizontal navigation


Project / Group Site

Classic but efficient


Group Site

Light and simple for small group or individual project